Hot Chocolate For The Soul: Heartwarming Production Music – 12/16/11

On some days, good tunes are just the thing to lift our spirits! Like warming your hands over the fireplace after a long day of skiing, music has the power to instantly bring the comfort we seek. This week’s new releases from the 5 Alarm Music, Source In Sync and Amygdala Music libraries are bound to warm the heart and soothe the ears. Oh sweet harmony!
05A090 Off The Charts: Indie Pop
Pop, the music genre, can take on many different meanings. When listening to 05A090 Off The Charts: Indie Pop, Pop refers to the feeling of wanting to pop out of your chair and start dancing! These anthemic vocal indie pop masterpieces are the types of tracks you would want to sing really loud out-of-tune karaoke to. Hey, we have the instrumental versions so go on with yo bad self!


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SIS051 Christmas Vocal and Piano
The holidays usually mean a lot of time spent indoors with family which can bring feelings of tenderness…….. or dysfunction. Let’s focus on the former, shall we? SIS051 Christmas Vocal and Piano is a warm and intimate collection of rousing piano coupled with heartwarming female vocals singing all of your holiday favorites. I can just smell fireplace and envision the colorfully lit fir tree……


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Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

AMY028 Inspirational Uplifting – Rock
Like a personal trainer encouraging those last two reps out of you, the tracks on AMY028 Inspirational Uplifting – Rock say “you can do it!” Go ahead and put that flag on top of the mountain you just scaled, you deserve it.


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Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

Library Of The Week: Liftmusic

There are two main types of cliques in high school: the nerds and the cool kids. The nerds were the kids who got good grades, opened the door for old ladies and later turn into the Steve Jobs of the world. The cool kids wore the most current fashions, blended just the right amount of humor and aloofness and their parents never seemed to be in town judging by all the raging parties they would throw on Saturday nights. Rarely did the two camps mix. What does this have to do with production music you ask? Liftmusic is the musical equivalent of smart and cool, a match made in heaven! Blending music seeped in tradition with a fresh new take on the most current trends, there’s a whole lot to like about this library! Take a listen:
LIFT064 Folktronica

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LIFT038 Retrospectrum

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LIFT030 Celluloid Soundscapes

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For these and many other great tracks, visit our website to hear our innovative music libraries for yourself! New to 5 Alarm? We’re happy to get you a username and password so you can search on our online music library website. Give us a call at 626.304.1698