The Enduring Spirit Of Music: New Production Music – 4/1/11

The physical medium in which music is delivered has gone through some major evolutionary changes.  From piano rolls to gramophones to 8 track tapes to LP’s to cassette tapes to CD’s to MP3’s, it certainly has been a wild ride!  With every new advance comes the re-purchase of our favorite music.  How many times have you had to purchase The Beatles’ Abby Road?  If you were born when it first came out, I’m assuming 4 or 5 times!  That very fact is testament to the enduring power of music.  This week’s new releases from the Justement, Ridgeline, Liftmusic and Primrose Music libraries represent the prevailing spirit of the best Indie, Pop and Rock songs of today that will stand the tests of time and emerging new technology.  Who says Rock n’ Roll is dead?

Some days are made for leisurely strolls with no particular destination in mind.  JUST070 My Favourite Acoustic Pop Songs are for the days when all you want to do is smell the roses.  How sweet it is!


JUST070 My Favourite Acoustic Pop Songs

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Some music enters your ears and taps into your inner joy.  RGL017 Omnipure is a collection of bright and hopeful Indie Rock tracks that can turn your whole day around.  Don’t underestimate vibe changing power of music!


RGL017 Omnipure

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For the times when you’re feeling a little hyper around the edges, a good remedy is to turn on a lively song and dance around the room.  LIFT061 Guitar Scene 3 understands those times and supplies some wild rockin’ tracks to fill the need.  Scream, shout and let it all hang out!

LIFT061 Guitar Scene 3

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Daydreams probably take up a majority of our free time.  That and Facebook if you’re under 30, that is.  PRCD191 A Beautiful Dream is full of positive and uplifting pop rock songs to make your eyes wander up toward the sky.

PRCD191 A Beautiful Dream

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Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.


It’s almost Summer, time to load some anthems on your IPod to fire off at your first BBQ!  PRCD190 Beds will score the laughter and crazy bouts on the Slip n’ Slide.  The sun is shining – c’mon get happy!


PRCD190 Beds

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Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

For these and many other great tracks from the Justement, Ridgeline, Liftmusic and Primrose Music libraries, visit our website to hear our innovative music libraries for yourself! New to 5 Alarm?  We’re happy to get you a username and password so you can search on our online music library website.  Give us a call at 626.304.1698