Vivid Technicolor Melody: New Production Music – 6/25/10

Music is like paint on a canvas.  Colors swirl within evolving melodies like rain drops collecting in a puddle.  The two new releases from the Justement Music Library conjure up strong emotional imagery that paint a vivid picture.

JUST067 Play With My Piano is an inviting mix of piano tones that resemble echos of faded memories recalled in an open peaceful setting.  With a touch of elegance and unbalanced curiosity, these tracks are like viewing someone’s past documented on Super 8 mm film playing on a grainy projector.  Personal and haunting.

The suave and hardened criminal scans the lobby for witnesses as he slips into the door that clearly states Employees Only to stash the detonator.  T minus 3 minutes and 28 seconds – just enough time to slip out the emergency exit and into the fast BMW strategically left for his getaway.  Yes, JUST068 Velvet Trigger Club is a Big Bad Mo-Fo.  Lots of tremolo hollow bodied guitars, hammond organs, big city detective horns and good ol’ fashioned swagger from the 70’s to help the plot thicken.

For these and many other great tracks from the Justement Music Library, visit our website to hear our innovative music libraries for yourself!

Various Categories

JUST067 Play With My Piano

Classy, freestyle and inspired album with and all around the piano.

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JUST068 Velvet Trigger Club

Anthology album evoking gangster films of the 60’s & 70’s.

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*If you love what you hear and need a music search, call our music director Tyler Harp at 626.304.1698. We’re happy to get you a username and password so you can search on our online music library website.