We are the star of our individual existence with outside stimuli molding our story. We never know what each day will bring when we get out of bed in the morning. In a constantly changing world, life can and does shift at the blink of an eye! This week’s new releases from the Cue Source and Big Screen Music libraries paint a compelling picture depicting the many emotions involved in human experience.
Have you hugged your men and women in uniform today? An alternate title for CS029 Dramatic Pulse could be Modern Heroes. These dramatic and emotive tracks depict what it is to be a Fireman bursting into a burning building or an EMT giving life-saving CPR to an accident victim. Every minute counts!
CS029 Dramatic Pulse
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This dynamic and whimsical collection of percussion based tracks takes you on a journey through time and space. BSM004 Percussion Fantasia is not short on creativity or imagination! Tap into the right side of that brain of yours and allow all of those flights of fancy take over.
BSM004 Percussion Fantasia
Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.
For these and many other great tracks from the Cue Source and Big Screen Music libraries, visit our website to hear our innovative music libraries for yourself! New to 5 Alarm? We’re happy to get you a username and password so you can search on our online music library website. Give us a call at 626.304.1698