The Best Medicine: New Production Music – 12/17/10

Life is full of surprises.  Like discovering that big dark piece of lettuce stuck in between your two front teeth after an important meeting.  Or the time when that bratty toddler spilled his juice in your lap at the beginning of a cross country flight.  Good times!  The only difference between happiness and melancholy is our reactions to what life brings us.  This week’s new releases from the 1 Revolution, Abaco and Beatbox Music libraries reminds that life can be pretty darned funny!

1RM008 Quirky Comedy scores all of those moments in your life when you’re waiting for Ashton Kutcher to show up and tell you that you’ve been Punk’d.  Everyday life can sometimes feel like entering a comedic Twilight Zone…..


1RM008 Quirky Comedy 1

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The Boob Tube offers us many laughs from the comfort of our cozy Barcaloungers…..gotta love it!  1RM009 Sitcom Grooves 1 celebrates all of those catchy TV themes that signal you to return from the kitchen with that hearty bowl of popcorn.

1RM009 Sitcom Grooves 1

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Laughter to a child is as natural as breathing.  We grumpy adults can learn a thing or two from our youthful counterparts!  AB191 Kitsch Kids will make you want to find a swing set or organize a game of duck duck goose.


AB191 Kitsch Kids

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Have you ever been in a serious situation but couldn’t resist the urge to burst out laughing at the most inopportune time?  There’s something really funny about tense or awkward moments.  1RM010 Dramedy 1 combines the best of both worlds.  Like the embarassing time you caught your neighbor stealing lemons in your backyard.  Oooopppssss, busted!


1RM010 Dramedy 1

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Django Reinhardt and a drum machine walk into a bar…….BBX133 Gypsy Jazz Mashup is lively comedy with a heavy accent.  Think of that cheesy European charmer at the bar failing miserably with a beautiful starlet.  “Yew are sooooo soooo BEE-YOU-TEE-FUL, dah-ling!  Let meee KEEEEESS you.  Muah!”


BBX133 Gypsy Jazz Mashup

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Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

For these and many other great tracks from the 1 Revolution, Abaco or Beatbox Music libraries, visit our website to hear our innovative music libraries for yourself! New to 5 Alarm?  We’re happy to get you a username and password so you can search on our online music library website.  Give us a call at 626.304.1698