Wanderlust Season: New Prodcution Music – 5/20/11

The month of May is a tipping point of sorts.  The weather dictates the donning of skirts and shorts, students start focusing on leisure instead of studying, the backyard BBQ defeats your oven as a main cooking device and weekends are designated times for packing up the car for fun road trips.  The grass is green and the wildflowers are in bloom, yes siree Bob it’s a beautiful time of year to get out of the house and enjoy it!  This week’s new releases from the JW Brilliant Series, Abaco and 1 Revolution Music libraries celebrate the rebirth of nature and the end of Winter hibernation.
If 1RM021 Modern Heartland & Roots 1 were a person, he would be wearing a plaid Western shirt, Wranglers, cowboy boots, and a warm smile while driving past in his trusty old pick up truck.  The Heartland of America is about 1,500 miles and a 180 degree attitude change from Los Angeles.  Remember when people used to wave as they drove past?  Long live the good old fashioned hospitality of the American Heartland!

1RM021 Modern Heartland & Roots 1


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Nothing says “down home” like a finger picked acoustic guitar.  Upon first listen, any lingering stress slowly fades from your psyche and is replaced by a sense of peace and well being.  AB195 Simple Moods Guitar is an open and dreamy relaxed state of mind that’s as contagious as the flu in a cramped private jet.  Sit back and breathe it all in!

AB195 Simple Moods Guitar


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Have you ever driven across the United States?  One thing you will notice is the unending stretches of highway with nothing to look at but tumbleweed and wide open space.  Not to mention a lot of weird truck stops.  The folks who wrote the tracks in JWBM029 Wide Open Spaces – Americana are no strangers to long treks across the I-40.  Think of this CD as your hitchhiking companion in a big rig trucking across many many miles of desolation.

JWBM029 Wide Open Spaces – Americana


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For these and many other great tracks from the JW Brilliant Series, Abaco and 1 Revolution Music libraries, visit our website to hear our innovative music libraries for yourself! New to 5 Alarm?  We’re happy to get you a username and password so you can search on our online music library website.  Give us a call at 626.304.1698